How much does a family doctor make in ontario

Unfortunately, there are no exact figures for the amount a family doctor in Ontario will make working full time. However, a 2016 report from the College of Family Physicians of Canada estimates that the average salary for an individual family doctor in Ontario is approximately $186,570 per year. The starting salary for an entry-level family doctor in Ontario can vary significantly between different practices. The average salary for an individual family doctor in Ontario is $141,000 per year.The yearly wages listed above are based on the national average salary for a family doctor in Ontario. The actual salary you will earn as a family doctor will depend on factors such as your experience and the specific location you choose to practice in. A combination of experience and geographic location can also play a role in determining your salary.

How much do Canadian family doctors make?

According to Health care salaries, a salary of a family doctor can range from $147,700.00 per year to $247,200.00 plus.A salary of $147,700.00 per year can come from:-A starting salary of $168,490.00 plus a signing bonus of $74,850.00.-An annual salary increase of 3.1% in 2016.-A yearly average gross compensation of $241,078.67 before taxes and other deductions are taken out in 2016.

How much does a GP doctor make in Ontario?

In Ontario, the average salary for a GP Doctor is $177,216.

How much does an Ontario doctor make?

The salary of an Ontario doctor varies according to their experience, location and specialty. According to the University of Toronto’s 2016 Faculty of Medicine Doctor-to-Faculty Salaries Report, the average annual salary for an OTR Internal Medicine doctor is $247,150. For a Family Medicine doctor, the average salary is $241,938 and for a Psychiatry doctor, the average salary is $232,344.According to Medscape’s 2016 Physician Salary Report, the median annual salary for an orthopedic surgeon in Canada is $413,000 and for a general surgeon it is $275,000. In Ontario, general surgeons earn on average $ 302,000 and orthopedic surgeons make on average $310,

The Average Medical Doctor salary in Canada

Canada vs. USA Doctor Salaries Explained

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