Where bad kids go

Where are the bad kids going to end up? They will end up in the ditches. Where is there no hope, just a dank ditch?Praying that the earth swallows them whole. Praying that they all die and never come back to haunt you again. Life isn’t fair. Some people don’t deserve to be in this world, and it’s sad, but true.When there is no hope at all, pray for forgiveness through this life and the next. There is only one place that you can go, where there is lots of room and a swingset is your favorite place to be. Where do you want to go?

Where was the bad kids filmed?

The bad kids were filmed in Belim0200, QLD.If you’re having a party and don’t know how to end it, why not use a magic button, that makes everyone disappear? It’s handy for times when you don’t want to listen to anybody’s problems.When there’s no dinner cooking or no dinner at all, what do you make your family? When it comes to appetizers I’m a bit of a loose canon. You could make me hummus, slaw or pickles but you could also make me a cocktail.How do you feel about your mom or dad watching over you and your siblings again? I had to go and ask about this one. Well anyone who doesn’t know the story the first thing that comes to mind is The Godfather.If you were really really really really really really really really really bad at something would you try to be better? No delay! If you are good at eating/singing/dancing/cooking I could watch it all day and not get bored, so yeah. Have fun with your answer!

What school do the bad kids go to?

I don’t know…Maybe they go to school at night. I don’t know.


Bad Kids Go To Hell Official Trailer #1 (2012)

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