Why did william afton kill kids

William Afton was an American serial killer, who murdered at least four people in the Lakewood, New Jersey area in the early 1990s. Afton committed his murders after luring his victims to his remote property by promising them jobs. Once at Aftons property, Afton stabbed his victims to death and then used their bodies as vessels for painting. After he was caught and sentenced to death row, there were allegations that Afton may have been framed.

What did William Afton do to kids?

William Afton was a serial killer who murdered at least three children in Ohio back in the 1970s and 1980s. According to Afton’s ex-wife, he’d become fixated on the idea that these children were hellspawn and ‘evil spirits’ and had been sent to torment him and his family.Afton would wait outside the homes of his target children, then suddenly appear and start shooting, either with a rifle or handgun. He killed one child after another as they walked home from school. The final victim was found in a wooded area with his own shoes placed next to him.

How William Killed The Missing Children / BLOOD WARNING …

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